Euris selected in the latest Gartner Market Guide for CRM in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

The world’s leading research and advisory company firm recognized Euris for the second time in the Market Guide analyzing the global market for CRM in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology industry.

The guide highlights our expertise in deploying global projects with our ability to address specific needs depending on the region.

“Many regional vendors focus on solutions that address the needs of specific regions. Euris, for example, is developing advanced WeChat integration specifically for Asian markets. These vendors have greater depth of expertise, experience and relationship within their target regions. End-user clients consider regional vendors due to multiple factors, such as cost or the need for a specific solution to address local requirements. This has caused regional differences in functionality to emerge as these vendors continue to advance specific functionality targeted to these needs.”

Read the key findings in the Gartner report here

About Euris :

As a group dedicated to the connected health market, Euris’ mission is to support Healthcare and Life Sciences companies in the implementation of their health IT projects, through digital solutions and a certified multi-territory health data hosting infrastructure.

At the heart of a healthcare ecosystem of excellence, Euris operates these new services within a structured regulatory framework, guaranteeing a high level of quality, security and compliance.

About Gartner :

Founded in 1979, Gartner is the leading research and advisory company providing senions leaders across entreprise with indispensable business insights, advice and tools they need to achieve their mission-critical priorities and build the organizations of tomorrow.

Gartner serve over 14 000 clients in 100 countries.

Euris gives you support in all your healthcare it projects