Matrix Lung, a pioneering European Health Data Warehouse dedicated to clinical research in thoracic oncology.

Press release

Matrix Lung, a pioneering European Health Data Warehouse dedicated to clinical research in thoracic oncology.

The Groupe Français de Pneumo-Cancérologie (GFPC), in partnership with Heva and Euris Health Cloud, announces « Matrix Lung », a pioneering Health Data Warehouse (HDW) for thoracic oncology. Authorized by the CNIL in 2023, this Data Warehouse offers alternatives to randomized trials, facilitates research and guarantees secure data management. Matrix Lung is now open to innovative research projects, marking a crucial step forward in the landscape of medical research in thoracic oncology.

Faced with the limitations of randomized trials, in particular the difficulty of gathering sufficient numbers of patients, Matrix Lung opens the way to alternative trials designed to minimize patient exposure to ineffective treatments, but also to include rare patients, develop prevention plans and participate in research in this domain.

Health Data Warehouses, such as Matrix Lung, are based on a legal, organizational and technical framework developed by Euris Health Cloud® and validated by the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL). This framework protects patients, while enabling their health data to be valorized and exploited, thus opening the door to the use of artificial intelligence. This advance is a crucial step in the evolution of clinical research in thoracic oncology, enabling the discovery of new therapeutic solutions, more frequent and rapid experimentation, and marking the beginning of a promising era in the fight against lung disease.

As a trusted third party and certified healthcare data host, Euris Health Cloud provides a sovereign, secure architecture that complies with the Data Warehouse standards of the authoroty. The Euris Health Cloud® Data Warehouse platform is a turnkey, agile and cost-effective industrial solution. Using this solution enables the GFPC and Heva to concentrate fully on analyzing the data collected, thus accelerating advances in clinical research. Going beyond a simple Data Warehouse, Matrix Lung aims to become a reference environment for multicenter studies with a European and international vocation.

By opening up its Data Warehouse and its Data to external research projects, Matrix Lung wishes to encourage international collaborations to strengthen research in the field of thoracic cancers. Matrix Lung represents a new chapter in clinical research, proposing alternatives, exploring new approaches through Health Data Warehouses, and fostering global collaboration to improve understanding and treatment of lung pathologies.

About :
The advantages of the Euris Cloud Santé® turnkey Health Data Warehouse (HDW) solution

The Euris Cloud Santé® Health Data Warehouse solution offers numerous advantages for healthcare professionals and manufacturers:

  • The regulatory support required to set up a Health Data Warehouse, reducing the number of steps to be taken to a minimum.
  • A secure, HDS-certified, sovereign cloud architecture.
  • Global compliance: Europe (HDS, ISO 27001, RGPD) & HDS Trusted Third Party, EDS and SNDS repository.
  • A catalog of tools and services to harness the wealth of healthcare data: data analysis and processing, data visualization, AI, federated learning.
  • An efficient, transparent organizational environment.


Discover the EDS Cloud Santé® offer: hosting/healthcare_data_warehouse/

The Groupe Français de Pneumo-Cancérologie (GFPC) is a cooperative clinical research group in thoracic oncology. Its main objective is biomedical research, including clinical and therapeutic trials, epidemiological, pharmacological and medico-economic studies.

Euris, an agile and innovative group, is a major player in connected healthcare. For over 20 years, the group has been helping its customers to implement their e-health projects through digital solutions and multi-territory infrastructures for hosting healthcare data.


At the heart of a healthcare ecosystem of excellence, Euris operates these new services within a structured regulatory framework, guaranteeing a high level of quality, security and compliance.

Heva, a subsidiary of Docaposte and a brand of La Poste Santé & Autonomie, offers its customers multidisciplinary expertise to support innovative clinical projects.

Heva offers a unique combination of know-how, from the collection to the valorization of healthcare data:

  • Implementation of clinical projects using innovative methods and tools: Study decentralization, Study digitization, Synthetic control arm…
  • Experienced CRO: Project management integrating both primary data collection and linkage with medico-administrative databases
  • Data visualization and communication of results: dynamic tools, posters, scientific articles, etc.
  • DATA / AI BY DESIGN” know-how and products: Descriptive, comparative and predictive analyses Machine learning Process mining Auto-encoders

Heva is a CRO with over 30 years’ experience, and a team of around 100 experts able to support its customers in their various clinical, epidemiological and medico-economic projects with innovative methodologies and tools, combining medical expertise, digital confidence and ethical commitment in the healthcare field.

As the first trusted cloud dedicated to connected healthcare, Cloud Santé® also acts as a trusted third party, notably for healthcare data pseudonymization, encryption and data analysis services.

Thanks to a unique Marketplace model, through the Cloud Santé® brand, Euris offers a complete range of services and technologies to facilitate the deployment of healthcare IT projects: strong authentication, storage, telemedicine, hybrid cloud, healthcare data anonymization, data storage and sharing, Data Privacy, Artificial Intelligence.

EDS Cloud Santé® Team
 : Emmanuel Jouanne & Astrid Legay –
Press Relations :

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